
Årets Företagare 2012

Årets Företagare 2012

GR Service, Grimme Skandinavien servicepartner in Finland, was awarded "Firm of 2012" in their local area last december.

Open House arrangement at GR Service OY AB, Finland

Open House arrangement at GR Service OY AB, Finland

An well arranged event with lots of customers

Elmia Odla 2012

Elmia Odla 2012

A big Thanks to anyone, who paid us a visit in Jönköping

Demonstration at Kai Ohlgren in Lappfjärd, Finland

Demonstration at Kai Ohlgren in Lappfjärd, Finland

Drivers training reg. Maxtron 620 II at Grimme, Germany

Drivers training reg. Maxtron 620 II at Grimme, Germany

11 men joined the drivers training at Grimme GmbH in Germany

Field walk at Apetit, Finland

Field walk at Apetit, Finland

"Kartoffeldag" August 2nd. 2012

Great attendance in spite of the pouring rain

Borgeby Fältdagar June 2012

Borgeby Fältdagar June 2012

Great weather and a lot of guests in Sweden

Summer Fair in Rødkærsbro, 15th and 16th of June 2012

Summer Fair in Rødkærsbro, 15th and 16th of June 2012

Of course it was nice and sunny, as Grimme Skandinavien opened their Summer Fair 2012

Conference for Onion growers

Conference for Onion growers

Conference at the Castle of Bäckaskogs outside Kristiansstad in Skåne, Sverige.

Open house at AT Fordonsservice in Sweden

Open house at AT Fordonsservice in Sweden

Open house at AT Fordonsservice in Sweden where approx. 250 guests showed up and had a good time

New Year Gathering 2012 at Grimme Skandinavien

New Year Gathering 2012 at Grimme Skandinavien

Hundreds showed up and took part in making our annual New Year Gathering a good day.

Christmas outing for employees

Christmas outing for employees

A guided tour at Karup Kartoffelmelsfabrik

Open house at Grimme Skandinavien, Finland

Open house at Grimme Skandinavien, Finland

Agri Technica 2011

Agri Technica 2011

The largest exhibition for agriculture broke records with more than 415.000 visitors.

Demonstration of sugarbeet harvesters november 8th. 2011, Tullesbo Sweden

Demonstration of sugarbeet harvesters november 8th. 2011, Tullesbo Sweden

Demonstration of potato machinery october 26th. 2011, Brande Denmark

Demonstration of potato machinery october 26th. 2011, Brande Denmark